– I don’t wanna be with you anymore.
– That’s okay.
– Wait, what?
– Yeah, thank you for telling me. I wanna be with someone who wants to be with me, so this is good information to have. By you saying this, you just made that much easier for me to say goodbye.
– You’re not taking this personally?
– No, what someone likes or doesn’t like is not a reflection of me, It’s a reflection of what works for them. My job is not to fit into that. My job is to see how people love, and choose whether or not that works for me, not to try to get you to like me.
– Wow, mature. Is it wrong that I like you again?
– No, it’s not wrong, but I’m not interested, because it took losing me for you to figure this out.
– Damn, I guess playing hard to get only works for the anxious people.
[ Text from @love.understood ]